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Showing posts with the label SARS-CoV-2

Covid-19 Incident and Free Speech

The right to free speech is inherent to the human condition, but in light of the events of Covid-19, I am apprehensive about its future, and I am delighted to tell you about my experience here. I'm from China, which is where Coivd-19 came from. In September 2019, the Chinese government held a virus-related drill at Wuhan airport called "Yunnan Jadeite" in preparation for the imminent release of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In fact, no one knew that the virus would hit the world in February 2020. " 'FREE SPEECH*' " by Newtown grafitti is licensed under CC BY 2.0 . In December 2019, the virus had already begun to spread in Wuhan, and the Chinese government admonished an ophthalmologist named Li Wenliang for warning the general public about the severity of this virus via social media. We could not save Dr. Li's life after he became infected with Covid-19 on February 6, 2020, and he passed away. From December 2019 until January 19, 2020, I used my Chinese soci